Two HSCI leaders ranked in Top 50 in world stem cell influencers

March 26, 2013

When the organizers of the upcoming World Regenerative Medicine Congress recently asked scientists and executives across the world in the stem cell and regenerative medicine fields to name “the most influential people in the global stem cell and cell therapy field,” two of HSCI’s leaders were in the top 11.

Doug Melton, HSCI’s Co-Director and Co-Founder, was named number five on the list of the world’s top 50 “Stem Cell Influencers.”  Melton, who is also co-chair of Harvard’s Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, was cited as “one of the driving forces behind Harvard's ascendancy to world leadership in the field.

And HSCI's Executive Director Brock Reeve was named number 11. The citation notes that “In partnership with the Faculty Directors, (Reeve) has overall responsibility for the operations and strategy of the institute whose mission is to use stem cells, both as tools and as therapies, to understand and treat the root causes of leading degenerative diseases.