Genetic Modifications in Humans: The Scientific Methods, Medical Applications and Ethical Implications


Friday, May 8, 2015, 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Webinar of the ISSCR Connect

George Daley, Boston Children's Hospital and
Timothy Caulfield, University of Alberta

Tim Caulfield and George Daley

It has been just over a half-century since the structure of DNA was solved. In the intervening years, advances in the technology used to analyze and manipulate DNA have led to scientific breakthroughs that have significantly and rapidly advanced how we understand and treat human disease. It is now possible to edit genes in humans, a strategy that is currently being tested in clinical trials as an approach to fight diseases such as HIV and cancer. There have been recent questions raised on whether this technology can and should be used to modify the inheritable DNA in human sperm, eggs or early embryos. Dr. George Daley, Boston Children’s Hospital, and Timothy Caulfield, University of Alberta, discuss the scientific and medical applications, as well as the social and legal implications.

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